NRCME Training Course

Why Use this NRCME Training Course?

First-Time Pass Rate over 99%

Our accredited NRCME Training course offers providers the best opportunity to pass the NRMCE certification exam on the first attempt, and properly prepare providers to immediately perform DOT exams with confidence. Our pass rate on the NRCME exam is over 99%. Here at, we have been offering quality online continuing education for 24 years. More providers have used our course to obtain NRCME certification than any other course.

Continually reviewed and updated

Our NRCME training course was developed and is continually reviewed and updated by our editorial board consisting of board-certified physicians who are all certified medical examiners with expertise in the NRCME exam curriculum. Be wary of courses run by a single person or by non-clinical administrators from a professional society.

Here is the bottom line:

We want you to pass the NRCME exam, we want you to become a qualified certified medical examiner, and we are here to help.

Highest quality at a low price

When our editorial board members obtained NRCME certification, we were all disappointed by the quality of the available courses and the high cost. Therefore, we decided to launch our own course of the highest quality and priced reasonably. We are very proud of the course and are obsessive about constantly evaluating it to make sure it meets the needs of providers and is completely up to date. Our training course offers the most up-do-date training available. Over 20,000 providers have successfully used our course to obtain NRCME certification, and that number is increasing daily.

Much more for your money

Our NRCME training course is unique in that we offer over 350 sample questions, including a sample NRCME exam that mimics the actual NRCME certification exam. In addition, the course includes the lecture “What You Will Be Asked on the NRCME Exam”. Our course includes 9 Category 1 AMA PRA CME credits, not 6 like other courses. Our customer service is awesome and we are here to assist with any difficulties with your certification process.