Current FMCSA Regulations and Guidance

FMCSA regulations and guidance change often - we keep you current and up-to-date.

FMCSA Logo - Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

FMCSA regulation and guidance change often and the onus is on the certified medical examiner to stay up to date. is the only completely up-to-date, accurate, user-friendly clinical decision support tool for DOT exams. Thousands of medical examiners log in to each day to make sure that their certification decisions are accurate. updates changes to FMCSA regulation and guidance IMMEDIATELY

There is a specific hierarchy to DOT exam certification. FMCSA regulations are paramount. Formally approved FMCSA advisory criteria are next in importance, followed by the latest expert reports and recommendations from the Medical Review Board and Medical Expert Panels - both of which are advisory groups to the FMCSA. In addition, the examiner must always consider the latest medical literature.

We carefully monitor ALL the latest information from the FMCSA… obsessively. We are on a mission to make DOT exam certifications easier for everyone.

Recommendations on are summarized and updated by our team of board-certified physicians who are Certified Medical Examiners. We carefully monitor the latest information from the FMCSA (including their periodic webinars), the MRB and MEP proceedings, and the latest medical literature. As soon as new information is available, is immediately updated. By following the guidance on you can be reassured that you are following the current standard of care.

We are on a mission to make DOT exam certifications easier for everyone.

Can a Medical Examiner keep up to date on his/her own? Yes, but that would mean spending an inordinate amount of time constantly checking the arcane FMCSA website, the MRB and MEP webpages, and the latest literature. does this for you. Obsessively. You see, we are on a mission to make DOT exam certifications easier for everyone. is indispensable for medical examiners. Make your life and that of your drivers easier.