Urgent Care Clinics & Group Sign Up

Many Urgent Care clinics use our NRCME training course to get their providers certified to perform DOT exams, and provide easyDOTexam.com for their certified providers.

Read on to find out why, and to see how our solutions can benefit your clinic or group.

NRCME Training Courses for Clinics & Groups

Contact Us at mail@EMedHome.com to set up your clinic’s account and get your providers certified to perform DOT exams today.

Or Call: 949-359-1711

Many Urgent Care clinics use our NRCME training courses to certify their providers to perform DOT exams. Why do so many clinics trust us to deliver their NRCME Training?

  • We offer the least expensive course

  • We have a pass rate of over 99% on the NRCME certification exam - if your providers are failing the exam, your business suffers.

  • Your own Admin Portal – track your providers’ progress in real time.

  • Awesome Customer Service!

  • We sign up your providers immediately so they can begin right away!

  • If a provider leaves your employ before completing the course, just swap in a new provider at no charge.

easyDOTexam for Urgent Care Clinics

Contact Us at mail@easyDOTexam.com with questions about easyDOTexam.com or to get started.

Urgent Care chains provide easyDOTexam.com for their providers.  Learn what they have learned:

Access to easyDOTexam.com:

  • Enhances clinic revenue

  • Reduces clinic liability

  • Increases provider efficiency

  • Includes placement of your locations on FindMyDOTexam.com

  • Makes everyone’s life much easier!